


SKU: 18


Refractory mortar, with cement, synthetic resins and special additives for environments of high temperatures.


Cement-based powder for environments with high temperatures and high mechanical resistance, for fillings in a thickness of 20 mm/layer. It does not contract, nor does it create cracks. It provides an excellent workability, adhesiveness, resistance to high temperatures and strikes. Thanks to its hydraulic connections, special polymers, selected inerts and synthetic fibers, it does not crack nor slip in large thicknesses.

Preparation of surface

The bricks and surface where the application will be done should be stable and mechanically resistant.

Application of product

TECNOFLOOR 30 is gradually added in a quantity of water about 6,0 – 6,5L, by continuously stirring it, until a homogeneous and fluid mixture is formed. The mixture is left to settle for 3 minutes, and then is stirred again. TECNOFLOOR 30 is cast in a single layer on the surface which has been treated with primer beforehand, until the desired thickness is achieved. Once the product is leveled, run a toothed roller onto it in order to take out the air within the formed mixture. Application temperature should be between +5?C and +35?C.


It is preserved in its original, well-closed packaging, in dry, shady and low-moist environments, for at least 12 months from the date of its pro- duction

Technical data

Form- Color Cement dust- grey
Toxic/flammable (according to ?? 88/379) No
Specific weight of dry powder 1,47 ? 0,05 Kg/lt
Specific weight of wet dust 2,00 ? 0,05 Kg/lt
The maximum diameter of particle 1.5 mm
Water demand 5,5 lt water in 25 Kg powder
Temperature of application From +5oC up to +35oC
Thermal resistance From -30?C up to +1000oC
Pot life in container 3 hours
Maximum thickness for application 2 cm


Approximately 18 kg/m2 /cm thickness of layer.

Additional information

Weight 25 kg


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